Thanks for this funny morning read! Hips are tricky, an eventual replacement may be in the works? I second the MRI advice. And, oh, the trials of air travel, so ugh! I actually do speak up now, I turned 65 this year and don't give a crap anymore lol

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Quite right. And thank you re the MRI...

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Jun 12Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Another delightful piece, enjoyable from go to stop…

Hip. Sounds as if whatever it is is painful. If the recommendation is surgery, my advice? Do it!! Do not (NOT!) be deterred by youth…it WILL be life alteringly good. Don’t worry about the ‘life’ of a replacement…the next few years out of pain and with full mobility will absolutely be worthwhile. Just do all the exercises afterwards, and do book into rehab (not Amy Winehouses sort) afterwards to make it easy.

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Noted on the rehab front, thank you!

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Jun 11Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I also have a labral tear although am much older than you. They can be fixed but not always successful apparently. What DOES cure it is a hip replacement, which I’ve also had (on the other side). That hip is brilliant , so nothing to be afraid of there. Yes , find a surgeon who deals with young/sporty people. I’m not young but I am sporty!

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Thank you! And yes the idea of not being able to be active is v boring...

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Jun 11Liked by Onwards and Sideways

“Jeez that poor girl is really affected by this museum”. You are so funny.

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It was one of those funny and simultaneously awful situations, and then we had to kill time all day to get the Eurostar back to London...

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It is so sexy having an affair with your tutor. Everyone should have one.

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Jun 12Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I've had a dodgy hip in recent months/years and was referred to a physio by my practice nurse. He listened to me ,examined me, and prescribed some hip exercises to do twice a day for 6 weeks. Not difficult and very effective. I am impressed with myself ! I have heard that sometimes hip surgery is done rather too soon. Over eager surgeons?!

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Jun 12Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Hi Philippa, I’m sure you are right about some over enthusiastic surgeons and I’m so glad to hear the physio exercises have helped. However from my experience, I wish I had had my hip replacements SOONER. No one tells you of the damage you do to the rest of your body by delaying the inevitable. I suffered for years from back, neck, shoulder pain and horrid headaches as my hip issues were causing imbalances in my whole body (no chiropractor or Oesoteopath picked up on the underlying cause until it was too late) Even then, I was determined to “soldier on” as I was “too young to have a hip replacement”. More fool me. The rest of my body is in a mess as it has been overcompensating for years. Both hips have now been replaced and it has been a huge success. No more headaches and I can pick up dog bowls with ease!! However the longer you leave it, the harder it is to rehabilitate eg lower back, adductors etc.. If in doubt, get a second opinion on your MRI scan.

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Please go for the MRI scan so you truly know what’s going on. I have a friend who had the hip steroid injection with just the same outcome as you - brilliant, brilliant for a whole 36 hours. I had a replacement 8 weeks ago and I’m writing this after a heavenly beach day in Italy.

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*waves from Sardinia* And thank you!

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I didn’t know I could laugh at disintegrating hips and labral/labial rips, nor sobbing at Anne Frank’s house, but, here I am. Laughing in public, alone, at all of your pain. I am so sorry.

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Ha, so glad. Laugh away and thank you!

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With a daughter at uni I'm hoping she avoids the fling with a tutor. It's not been outlawed at hers yet.

Speaking of said daughter... she's a martial artist and has back and knee issues. Very common in the sport. And she is looking at PRP Therapy for the knees. She's looking and dropping hints, you know how it is 😀. I'm wondering if something like that might help with the hip? It's supposed to be excellent for joint pain. And like you she's too young for replacement parts.

Good luck with your hip

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I do believe a short course in plane etiquette should be undertaken by each and every passenger before being permitted on board. People behave like no one else exists nowadays. I blame Covid. On a recent trip to the States our flight was cancelled. They threw us onto another flight, but forgot to mention we had been downgraded to premium (please tell me, other than the price, what part of the experience is premium) economy, weren’t sitting together and I would be blissfully sandwiched between two farting Liverpudlians. Nine hours of egg-scented intrusion into my personal space, a child incessantly kicking the back of my chair for fun and, most outrageously, they ran out of gin and tonic with two hours of taking off! I wrote a very strongly worded letter after that flight I can assure you! Btw - buying ‘We All Want Impossible Things’ today. X

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OH so glad I reeeeeally hope you like it!

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I have had hip pain for years and it felt like it was coming from inside my hip socket and they could never find anything. Finally I went to a holistic occupational therapist (who practices Bowen work) and she thought it was my hip flexor. She worked on it a few times and showed me some stretches and it was gone! It occasionally comes back but at least I know what to do about it. It would have drive me mad (or more mad) by now. Hope this helps! Love your posts, they brighten my day! Lisa

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Ooh am v into woowoo stuff so will have a google, thank you!

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Ah, poor you! I'm also 39 and began experiencing lower back issues last year, and now one of my knees is flaring up. I've tried everything, much like you. I wish turmeric helped! Having various consultants offer differing opinions is so challenging. I've also been told it might be arthritis in my case, but everyone seems to say something different. You've probably tried many different physios and osteopaths... but... recently, I've had the most relief after a session with Mike O'Connor at the Little Escape (just on the triangle—I used to live in Crystal Palace and my personal trainer swears by him). He is a Myofascial Osteopath, and his sessions and exercises do seem to work for me (I've tried 5 different physios/osteos/chiropractors before!). If you have the energy to try one more person I'd recommend him, I'll be going back from East Sussex just to see him. Really hope you get better soon!

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Belated thank you because am THRILLED to have a nearby person. That's incredibly helpful, thank you so much. See you there!

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I had great success with Acupuncture for a very painful hip. I was told I had bursitis. It took a couple of tries to find an acupuncturist who knew what they were doing. He was already elderly and this was over 10 years ago. He’s retired and my hip is flaring up again ( but pretty much 10 years of relief!) and I need to find someone again.

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OOOH I love a bit of acupuncture. And that blissful sleep after a session!

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Try plasma shots instead of cortisone

Much much better!

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OH never heard of those. Will give them a google. Thank you!

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I had a lot of things wrong with my hips, especially the right one, in my 30’s. Playing ice hockey goalie made it exponentially worse until I had surgery to repair labrum tears and spur type things. I’m supposed to have it replaced in my 50’s, but here I am and honestly, the LEFT one is worse. I walk, play pickle ball and ride horses. Idgaf. I’ll wait till they really go, if they even do. I live in the US so the whole healthcare thing is totally sketchy and expensive.

I need to look for both of those books!

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They are both brilliant, can't recommend enough. I think first one just better/more moving but second one great too. And thank you!

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It could also be perimenopause. Bit early but not insanely so. You might need some extra oestrogen. Would recommend the Newsom Clinic.

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Oh this ageing lark... Will google immediately, thank you!

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