And well done Sophia for remaining so charming and polite in the face of such smug pomposity

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Agree so hard re Strictly. People base their social lives around it - and by 'people' I mean folks I socialise with and respect the opinions of in every other sphere. Unfathomable, takes all sorts etc. And it seems to be filling the papers every day!

I have to confess I read pretty fast, because I wanted to see a picture of Dennis - and you didn't disappoint.

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Well done for getting Dennis in again and glad your strict furniture rule is being rigorously upheld. I adore your Substack 💕

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God, is there no escape from grumpy old men?

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I like your dog! My cousin says Strictly was is some sort of media Illuminati hazing ritual. His wife says that everyone experiences trauma differently based on their circumstances. My aunt says that she and my mother put us all in dancing school at age two precisely so that we would have experience managing dance teachers, should the need arise.

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My sister has had jobs where they do some volunteering on company time, but I've never heard of the straight-up cash donation before! It's a great idea, probably spreads the money out among all sorts of different causes.

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People have looked at my aghast when they have asked "All ready for Strictly tonight" and I've had to respond that I'm not actually "ready" for Strictly, tonight or any other night. I have no issue with anyone watching it, but it has become a bit cultish.

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When you have nothing better to write about than a tv dance programme and kids peeing in pools, I give up. It is disingenuous to bemoan the fact that little mention is made of far greater issues. Why don’t you write about them yourself, and give us some proper journalism?

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Richard, thank you so much for struggling through it though! Well done you! The JOY of substack is there is plenty on here for everyone, so if you're after 'proper journalism' can I direct you towards the likes of Helen Lewis or David Aaranovitch? Probably less weeing in paddling pools over there...

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Speaking of grumpy old men..................

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Lord Sugar !!

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WHOOPS, Lord Sugar. Thank you. He'd have words to say about that, no doubt...

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

You’re fired!

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