Honestly I swear you make me laugh every time. Posh or Not! And I am most certainly not! I was entranced by the walking sticks /crutches thing - do you remember those crutches that the hospital leant you, that you jammed into your armpit and it hauled your shoulder up higher than the other one and hurt like hell. The bruising in the armpit. Horrifying. No decent padding. Dreadful. I once saw one of those old wooden crutches abandoned in a vacant lot in Melbourne and I bet the poor bugger who was using it just said, Sod It and hurled it over the fence. Limping away regretfully!

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'I'll take my chances and hobble!' (And THANK YOU!)

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It's a funny thing about school uniform/dress code policies - they're usually justified as preventing distraction, yet the enforcement is invariably far more attention-getting than the actual offence!

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Ha yes v true. The absurdity of a plaster on my nose certainly did...

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Your friend Amelia is a very strong advert for the usefulness of Posh People and a very deft juxtaposition.

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