Oh, that's a cheery cover!

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To be honest, I forgive a person (almost) anything if they profess to love dogs. 'Almost' because I just went down a rabbit hole in trying to determine whether Hitler really did love animals. (The jury's still out). Nevertheless, James Middleton has always come across as a decent sort. 🐶

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Ha yes there are possible exceptions. Although they should really love them and not just profess to love them? Just thinking of certain people who have dogs when they really don't seem like they know how to look after them... But he DEFINITELY adores them! (James, not Hitler)

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Agreed, on all counts!

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Worried about the baked 🐻 🐻 😂😂😂

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Ha I know! Another eagle-eyed reader spotted that one! I've amended...

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Glen Affric is beautiful. I cycled round the loch a few years ago; I think it is the longest 11 miles I've ever done!

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Oh it so was! I remember seeing stags frolic about on the shoreline like teenage boys one evening. Still a bit embarrassed I wimped out of swimming but it looked COLD!

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The water up here is cold, lol - I generally look on in horror when people go in. Why willingly subject yourself to such pain!

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