Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Growing up, one of my BFs who we'll call A lived in a ( Scottish) castle not far from our cottage. Rainy days in the school hols were often spent wandering around long unused rooms upstairs looking into cupboards and drawers and finding treasures and junk in equal quantities.

When I returned to the Highlands as a middle aged mum, if A was visiting them, her parents would ask me over for lunch and I would wear thermals even in August as the dining room was on the north side, with a one bar electric fire ' for the dog' ( an ancient Jack Russell).

After A's father died, her brother said he didn't want to live in the castle, he and his family preferred their cosy farmhouse further down the glen, so it was sold to a billionaire.

A while later, I met A's mum in the local town. "It must be such a change, living in a bungalow" I said. (I knew her childhood has been spent between Scottish country houses and her grandfather's very VERY stately home in England).

Her eyes lit up. " It IS! Every morning when I wake up....it's WARM!"

Incidentally ,the billionaire installed central heating in the castle at absolutely vast expense - cast iron radiators with acanthus leaves everywhere. At A's mum's wake - he is a rather kind billionaire, he let them use the castle at no cost - everyone ran around exclaiming "But...it's *WARM*!".

Like most of the castles and big houses A and I were invited to parties at, long ago ( huddling close to or actually in huge fireplaces to stave off hypothermia) it is now a hotel. Où sont les neiges d'antan?

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Jennie this is WONDERFUL, thank you. And a kind billionaire - what a lovely (and rare?) thing!

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Hey! I enjoyed reading this. Posh people are the best/worst, and always entertaining. And hey, I've worked on Slow Horses! First day working in the UK was with Gary Oldman and it went something like this:

The scene was for Jackson Lamb to exit a shop with a glass front. They were shooting from inside, looking out. It was my job in that moment to keep the public from walking in front of the store. Easy. Rolling! We're 10 seconds into the take and a man on a mission (this is 7am, by the way) is heading straight forward me, straight... past me. Hey, wait! I whisper-yelled. FUCK OFF I'M GOING HOME! he screeched back, on camera, mid-glass front, Jackson/Oldman stepping out on the pavement. I died and this is my ghost writing the comment. The London public are very special.

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Hahahahaha I LOVE this. Poor you am sorry but that will be v good for your memoirs.

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For someone who lives in a valley, that view would be impressive enough even without any celebrities! The highest-profile film shoot I ever stumbled across was for The Handmaid's Tale - but with those bonnets they wear, I couldn't actually tell whether it was any of the big stars.

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Let's say it definitely was. I reckon you saw them ALL.

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Posh people are buried standing up and their bungs are plugged with small, torpid rodents

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I love hearing about these things. I do always tell hubby I want a castle😆. I took a pic of a very small run down one I found in Texas while visiting friends. He said "absolutely not"😂🙄

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Loved reading this! There's two sides to every story, I guess, but it's true that there's a fascination with grand places. I've just finished watching The Gentlemen (the series) and I was immediately googling the locations as they looked impressive. And while I can understand it may be bothering to see an influx of people at your doorstep (and not be able to enjoy the lovely English garden, Ikr?) just because your (grand) house (or manor/palace) was on a show, screen tourism is a thing and the UK makes quite a lot of money out of it. In fact, in December Visit Britain and the British Film Commission signed a memorandum of understanding to boost screen tourism across the country.

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The Princess Margaret clip. Epic!! Thanks for the link. I love all things royal. :)

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SO welcome isn’t it wonderful?!

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I oddly loved the bagpipe song she suggested, Scottish regiment I think. It reminded me of The Queen. I don't know what it is, but it evokes some very very strong memories and emotions. And then the song they played as she describes everyone sitting in traffic and instead of giving each other the hairy eyeball, they're tapping on their steering wheels. So great.

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Yes and magnificently I think she says she’d like it played by ‘my regiment’!

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Thoroughly enjoyed this - I miss being able to pop down to sainsburys! And those great piles. They don’t call them blue bloods for nothing - they are all freezing to death poor loves! Thank you so much!

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Ah but you seem to have lovely pigs instead of Sainsbury’s! 🐷

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Yes! It is a lot calmer out here than London!

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I first all thought this was going to be a post about Freda...

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Ha I NEARLY mentioned Freda. That is def up there…

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