Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I go for Izipizi sunglasses as well as reading glasses…well made and around £50

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I know this is counter intuitive but I used to lose sunglasses until I bought expensive ones. Now I have pairs that are over ten years old.

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No no I do get that! Just nervous about buying some and STILL being incapable of holding on to them.

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Primark is the place £2.99 last time I purchased my half dozen pairs! Distributed around a selection of bags - golf, travel, fishing! Although I have splashed out on some special polarised ones for fishing to see where the fish are lying!! But still only £25!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Kyloe in the Wild sunglasses - £60 or so, but usually buy one get one free (even better). Funky colours but also nice standard ones AND made from recycled ocean plastic to make you feel good about yourself.

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

My sunglasses are from Boots. I find that if I have expensive ones I tend to scratch them within a few weeks. But you're right - no one has sunglasses envy over a 20quid pair from Boots!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

My suspicion is that the decline of sex scenes in film is less driven by the audience, and more by what they'll allow on screen in China etc.

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Ooooooh interesting.

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Can recommend Le Specs SMC xxx

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Thank yooooou xxx

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Meller.com is great!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I love buying a few pairs at Monoprix when I'm in France - they have great sunglasses for like £30.

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Exactly. That kinda price point. Thank you!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

You need to try Le Specs sunglasses. They are about £60 and they have amazing fresh shapes that suit almost everyone.

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*googles immediately*

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Loved everything about this! And I look forward to reading your new book and discovering your previous novels too! 🤩

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Hooooorah, hope you don't mind the rude bits!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Haha! I don’t mind the rude bits! 🤣 I’m curious about the funny rude bits.

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

So enjoyed this chatty start to my Tuesday morning! Thank you! London Mole have a great selection of sunglasses and only £16.99. Hoping for more opportunities to wear them over the coming weeks! 😎


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FAB, thank you!

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I once had a lovely pair of tortoiseshell Ray Bans that I paid £190 for that I wore for less than an hour before I lost them at Glastonbury.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA am so sorry but that would essentially have RUINED Glastonbury for me. What a classic.

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Once invested in a gorgeous pair and even had precription lenses fitted. Went for a beach stroll feeling quite glam. A wild wave whacked me and washed them away forever. First day out.

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I watched part of the second series of The Affair, starring Dominic West and Ruth Wilson, during a very long and painful labour until the contractions became too much and I couldn’t concentrate on it enough. One of the midwives asked me if I was watching porn. Mortifying!

IZIPIZI has really great sunglasses. They used to be £30, but I think they are a bit more expensive now - maybe £40 or £50. They have an actual shop in Covent Garden Market. I love them and they are very good quality and have great felt cases so are easy to carry around. I find they are just expensive enough that I do try to look after them but not so expensive that I’m devastated if they get lost or broken.

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YES exactly there is a sweet spot with sunglasses - bit pricey so you don't just fling them in your bag to rattle around with old tissues and hair ties BUT not so £££ you feel like committing murder when you do (inevitably) eventually lose them... thank you! And the midwife has presumably seen worse?!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

When I assured her that it wasn’t porn, but in fact high quality HBO drama, and rather incredulously asked her if people ever did actually watch porn while in labour, she said she’d “seen all sorts”.

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Oddly enough, M&S have a rather good range of sunglasses at £15 a pair! They fully comply with all the safety stuff and seem like a bargain!

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TOP TIP thank you v v much!

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Completely agree about sunglasses. Some of my favourite pairs have been found by the side of the road/in the woods/ in carparks etc (why yes, I am also the strange woman rummaging in skips at dusk. My husband HATES my Wobbling instinct [have left autocorrect in here as also accurate but clearly I typed Wombling]).

Have you tried Boots Opticians rather than just Boots Boots? They have a decent range at reasonable prices. I did spend real money on a pair of folding Ray Bans which means I always have a pair in my bag, and they are surprisingly sturdy and well made; I've met someone else with them who says she stuff them in her back pocket without a case and they survive. The downside is they have graduated lenses and make me look a bit paedo. I enjoy trying on huge and flashy sunnies but the ones I like most always make me look like my mother. I have enough grey hair and jowls to be pretty indistinguishable without adding to the mix, thanks.

Superyachts - just extraordinary. One of the highlights of a warm European beach holiday is gawping at them and their guards. On the other hand, the sheer luxury of your own preferred mattress and bedding ....

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Right so I did actually buy some RayBans last year and then, a few months ago, dropped them when I was leaving the house in a rush and one of the lenses cracked. So that was another pair gone. Sigh. But thank you re Boots Opticians!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

You can get the lenses replaced at opticians

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This is the best sort of intel - obvious if you’ve thought about it BUT you’ve never ever thought about it!

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Jun 18Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I had two pairs nicked one after the other at university (ie had just replaced first pair on insurance ffs) and was so scarred by that that it took me twenty five years to dare to own another pair. Similarly my darling husband offered to buy me a proper watch for my 50th but despite never having lost or damaged a watch in my life I felt it would be asking for trouble and bought myself a couple of new quick-change straps for my trusty Rotary instead (actually this was a genius move and I love having a smart ‘evening’ strap).

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