Jun 25Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Do people say Bonjour to you everywhere you go when you’re wearing that top? I would HAVE to. Surely a great way to pick up men?! 😎

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Ha do you know what I actually don’t think anyone ever has. Rude! X

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Jun 25Liked by Onwards and Sideways

Oh Dennis! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ He looks delicious.

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Jun 25Liked by Onwards and Sideways

I love audiobooks and I think it only matters if the narration is ‘distractingly bad’ but I imagine people are forgiving of authors when they read their own books. Look forward to listening. 🥰

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Well, reserve judgement as I fear I may be quite close to distractingly bad at points…😬

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🤣 I am sure that’s not true but “at points” is different than “the whole thing.” 🤔 😉

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Jun 25Liked by Onwards and Sideways

As always a wonderful start to Tuesday. Enjoy Dennis - can’t wait for the new book😊

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Dennis is a HONEY and 100% to dogs in the bedroom. It actually IS quite good for them to be in a pack, and dog snoring is very soporific and therefore ‘good for your wellness’ (ahem). I assume like most terriers Parsons are burrowers so he will be in the bed not on it, so try to resist. Only downside of dogs in bedroom is that it does do awful things to your sex life. We had a lab who at least didn’t get up to see what was going on but would groan in utter disgust from the foot of the bed. Or sigh. Extremely funny but Christ, what a passion killer. Been married for years now and have both chosen dogs over sex.

You’re right about Zara though; she has tended towards frumpy for a long time and those Ascot outfits are in a completely different league! Can’t believe it’s the same stylist but perhaps Zara finally said, ‘Go on then, I’ll just wear what you put me in for a season’.

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OK, so on leaving the car having switched on parking payment, you put a large, weird, impossible to sit on item onto the drivers seat, or, failing that, wrap a shopping bag around the steering wheel. When you come back you think "what the hell is that?", then "Ah, yes, my parking shut off reminder!" Really works. Nice glasses btw.

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That is GENUUS thank you so much!

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Don’t feel bad about being at home while you write being boring for your puppy. They need a lot of sleep and he probably didn’t get taken on proper walks or played with individually when he was with his littermates. It’s also really important that they learn to settle.

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This is v comforting, thank you. And he’s been dozing beside me for an hour or so now v happily.

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Definitely enhanced and yearning for Dennis.

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As a man of a certain age, I will look at any slow dribbly coffee machine with much more empathy in future…

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I mean, how COULD you be strict with that face looking up at you?

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Funny and entertaining as always. However, I would point out that there really isn't an American accent. I live in Georgia and sound nothing like New York, Wisconsin, California, etc. (thank God).

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Lovely piece today, Sophia. Dennis is gorgeous and I’m sure you’ll develop your own ‘rules’ as you go along. Zara’s really coming into her own, isn’t she?

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